In 2017, a team led by the Appalachian Rural Health Institute (ARHI) at Ohio University began the Ohio Rural Health Improvement Process. Funded through the Ohio Department of Health, State Office of Rural Health, the National Rural Health Association, and several smaller grants from local organizations, the objective of this project was to develop a plan for addressing rural health in Ohio. Out of this project, the Ohio Rural Health Association was formed.
This map shows the Rural Health Clinics(RHCs), Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in each county.
Tip: Open the document as a PDF. Click the icon that looks like a stack of papers. Here you can turn off and on layers as needed. For example, click the eye next to the Rural Health Clinics and you will be able to see all the CAHs.
Developed by Ohio Department of Health, Primary Care Office December, 2020
The primary objective of the assessment was to assess the methods and delivery of EMS throughout rural Ohio, specifically related to agencies which interface with Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). We maintained focus on what is needed by these EMS agencies to sustain the critical link of care provided to rural Ohio. Information contained in this report summarizes a statewide assessment of rural EMS agencies based on a web-based survey conducted March through May 2018. The findings were validated in June 2018 through in-person meetings with representatives of EMS agencies throughout Ohio.
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